By Shibah Nakakande and Katongole Arnold

According to the UNEB Act 2021, Article 4, subsection 2, all UNEB examination centers shall display candidates’ registers sixty days before the date for commencement of national

The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has issued a directive to all examination centers in Uganda to pin up all lists for registered students to confirm the accuracy of their data. Incase of any mistakes, the school authorities are required to inform UNEB through their
portal and rectify them as soon as possible.
“According to the UNEB Act 2021, Article 4, subsection 2, all UNEB examination centers shall display candidates’ registers sixty days before the date for commencement of national

Displaying of candidate registers by all UNEB centers is an activity that precedes briefing which is the last activity before commencement of UNEB examinations for all candidates at the levels of Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda
Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE).

The heads of centers are tasked to avail District Education officers, students and parents with copies of candidates’ registers for viewing, so as to confirm candidature status as well as identifying errors in case of any. Students usually get wrong dates of birth and their names misspelt which becomes costly to change after sitting for their final examinations. The examination body has therefore advised heads of centers, to file the anomalies found in the students’ bio data during the signing of the parallel registers, which are recommended by UNEB as an easy way to find mistakes and errors in the bio data. Filing these complaints should be done as fast as possible to prevent inconvenience in the crucial time of examination.

UNEB also advises students who find themselves not registered but with proof of payment of registration fees in time to inform UNEB immediately by visiting UNEB offices in Ntinda or contacting the board using their toll-free line 0800-211-077 or sending messages to UNEB customer care numbers 0760-731-261, 0776-865-556 and 0777-993-335. This year’s national examinations are set to begin on 13, October 2023.

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