Today morning , ST. Theresa Kisubi Girls Primary school P.4 dormitory caught fire that’s suspected to have been caused by lightening from the heavy rains. All pupils were out by the time the fire went off, fortunately no student was injured.
All property including the students’ beddings, books and suitcases were destroyed which left students devasted and stranded on what to do .

The Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire said that the fire and prevention team responded quickly and prevented the fire from spreading to cause further damage.
“We are relieved to report that no injuries or loss of life were recorded, as iall pupils had evacuated the dormitory. Regrettably, all items within the dormitory were lost in the blaze .” he further said.

The Deputy head teacher Gerald Kizito who was offering brief explanations to concerned parents at the parking lot gate said , “The headmistress will make an official comment, but what you should know is that all our learners, teachers, and staff are safe.”
Police at Entebbe main police station have launched investigations into the cause of the fire.

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