On 1 July ,2023 CEO Twitter app Mr. Elon Musk came up with a new set of rules on Twitter aside those he applied on owning the application in April 2022.
“ To address extreme levels of data scraping and system manipulation , we’ve applied the following temporary limits :
-Verified accounts are limited to reading 6000 posts/ day .

Twitter boss Elon musk

-Unverified accounts to 600 posts/ day
-New verified accounts to 300 posts/ day.” Tweeted Elon Musk .
This frustrated a number of twitter users causing mixed reactions to date . Elon started with programming Twitter algorithms deciding the most visible on one’s timeline and getting verified badges off already verified accounts and for one to get theirs back , they must pay 20$ a month.

The CEO Meta Mark Zukerberg tried to purchase Twitter in it’s genesis year and was denied the opportunity. Since then a number of applications such as Clubhouse and blue sky that allow users share pictures with texts creating conversations have been unleashed. This is similar to twitter’s features though not matching up it’s broadcasting standards such as twitter spaces. This left Zukerberg as Musk’s major competitor with Meta that birthed Facebook and Instagram among the most used social media platforms .

Meta boss Mack zukerberg

Zukerberg announced the release of a new application- Thread, whose performance is similar to Twitter with features such as sharing conversations among people about various topics and posting pictures. Logging in to Thread can as well be done using one’s Instagram account .This presented a threat to Twitter since it was established. The Thread App is to be- launched on 6 July 2023 in the United States of America on Apple store and Android. This will allow users to follow the same accounts followed on Instagram.

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