Today 31 May 2023 is the official deadline for the normal registration of all candidates for this year’s UNEB examination. The process started on 1 April and its been a two months activity.
Registration of candidates happens annually for the set of candidates who will seat for UNEB examinations. It’s through this process that UNEB certifies one’s legibility and legitimacy as a candidate, this is clarified with awarding index numbers to all the students the have passed and fully completed the registration process.

In a press statement released on the 26 May 2023 ,through her public relations and communications officer, Ms Jenipher Kalule, emphasized that schools have until end of today (Wednesday 31,2023) to have completed all students registration or fall victim to surcharge during the late registration months of June and July as allocated by UNEB.

All candidates are supposed to pay a varying depending on the level you’re at Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE).The fees are paid by privately sponsored learners , since government pays registration fees for all students in the government facilitated schools.
Candidates going to set for PLE normal registration is (Shs34,000) and those paying late registration the fees shall double and will pay (shs68,000)
Candidates sitting for UCE under normal registration fees is (shs164,000) and late registration is (shs246,000)
Candidates sitting for UACE under normal registration are required a fee of (shs186,000) and all those that will register late shall pay (shs27,9000)
Jenipher, further clarified that all those in charge of uploading students bio data should do it cautiously and approve all errors before end of 31 May 2023 , otherwise students will be considered for late registration. She urged schools not register private students on the government program because this will trigger punishment.
As students, returned to school at the beginning of this week, Deans and directors of studies are in rush and panic to ensure that all their students are registered and certified by end of today to avoid repercussions like surcharge and double pay of registration fees .
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