More public servants are on strike for continuous delay of payments. This has caused more sit down strikes in the different parts of the country,following an incident of teachers in Busia laying down tools due to delay of payments , this week the medics in kawoolo hospital have laid down tools claiming that they are demanding money for more than one month. This persistent predicament leaves tax payers and all those who seek public services venerable amidst the trying economic situation.

The chairman of the public Accounts Committee of parliament (PAC), says that all ministries are supposed to make payments by 28th of every month and if there’s persistent delay in the payments then there should be explanation from Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development who are in charge of disbursement of funds. These continuous turn off by the public servants has become skeptical since you can’t tell which group will lay down tools , but certainly sure of another to complain of payment delay.

Service delivery to the public depends on the mercy of public servants, once they aren’t Paid, people will have to plea to them to avail all social services like education, health, security, public transport among others . This is bizarre for the whole country due to its pyramidal effects to society and this should be looked at with direct kin lenses to be solved before closure of the financial year to do away with these problems come the next financial year 2023-20234.

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