BY Shibah Nakakande 


prof. Eli Katunguta Vice Chancellor Kyambogo University.

Kyambogo University a well known Science and Technology public institution of higher learning, considers an increment to tuition due to failure of maintaining part time lecturers.
Out of the required 312 lecturers that the university needs, it has 176 which leave a gap of 136 lecturers; only five professors are available from the required 63, and 62 senior lecturers out of 206.
There are only 23 associate lectures yet the University needs 113 forcing the university to opt for part time lecturers who are currently unaffordable due to their high salaries.
Part time lectures are paid shs. 50,000 per hour, the university owes them 16.5 billion ug shillings. Some are resorting to withholding students’ marks until they are paid.
Prof Eli Katunguta, the vice Chancellor Kyambogo University said that this situation has persisted for the past decade and there were years when he was the only professor at the university.

“We do not have control over part time lectures. Some suggest to have four hours of lectures a week, others can only offer Saturdays.
To address the shortage, we have hired over 500 part time lectures. The lecturers are paid from outside the university’s regular wage allocation.” said Prof. Katunguta.
The university management is reviewing an increment in tuition if no support is rendered though it will not be as high as tuition for private institutions.
National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) had ordered institutions associated with Kyambogo University, Bushenyi and Soroti centers the former Primary Teacher’s College (PTC) to stop operation given they are illegal ,the The observer reported in July, 2024.
Prof. Katunguta affirmed the continuation of operation in these centers because they were legally opened up with authority from the ministry of Education And Sports. Already practicing teachers should continue working and during holidays they return to the centers for upgrade to grade five until they achieve Bachelor’s degrees.
Slightly 31% of the university’s posts are occupied, with an approved structure of approximately 1,108 lectures; the university has 404 full time members in the lectures department.
Kyambogo being a public University,  makes it affordable for students to pursue, engineering, Technology and Science courses at diploma, bachelor’s degree level.

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