UNEB has officially released the National examination time table for the year 2023. A total of 1,224, 371 candidates from 20,921 examination centres have been registered to sit for Primary Leaving Examination (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE), and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) final examinations.

The national examinations will start on 13th October 2023 with briefing of U.C.E candidates and will run until the 18 November 2023. Then Primary Seven pupils will write their exams from 7th November to 9th November 2023 while U.A.C.E will be carried out from November 10 to December 1 2023

The heads of examination centres have been advised to ensure that the time tables are accessible by all candidates.

There has been an increase in the number of candidates at the UACE level, a total number of 110,579 candidates were registered this year, as compared to 97,889 last year. However there has been a drop of over 80,000 candidates at the PLE Level.

“We have recorded an increase in candidature at the Uganda Advanced Certificate level. We have been recording a steady decline in the number of candidates registering for UACE to the extent that in 2022 we had even dropped to 97,000. I’m happy to report that this trend has been reversed”. Dan Odongo UNEB executive director told journalists at the Uganda Media Centre in Kampala.

He further noted that irregularities and malpractice often happen as a result of candidates being poorly briefed, or not briefed at all. The examination body therefore appealed to head teachers to conduct these briefings personally.

Dan Odongo said that involvement in examination malpractice in one paper if proven will result in the nullification or cancellation of results of the entire examination

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